Saturday, 18 February 2012

Life Through My Mirror.....

Ok, so here it is....Dolly has gone into a retirement home for the socially befuddled and insane.  Bless her, the stress of not being able to talk to Liberace became too much for her, so she was carted off on a milk-float to a secure unit.

Anyway, it was time for a change, time for a different view and perspective, so here it is.  The blog name would take to long to explain (and you'd all just give me that 'wtf crazy lady??') expression, but trust me when I say, to a small select few, it is pissworthy funny.  I've been quiet for a while, I know, a mixture of too much to do, not much to say and a procrastination habit to equal any crack addict has seen me not blog for a while.

Because this is the first post, I'm not going to baffle you with science or impress you with my knowledge on all manner of things....mainly shoes and chocolate, however, I do know the cycle of a four stroke engine, impressed eh??

I will update the necessary profile bits and bobs shortly, but for now, I shall say hello and leave you to a soundtrack of 80's music compilations and tea.

P.S. I promise never to use 'wtf' again, I've shamed myself already....