Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Another one bites the dust...

Last week I finished my MA degree. Yes, another degree to my name.

I'm not going to lie it was bloody hard work at times and there were moments where I thought my brain was going to implode with some of the things I had to learn, but in all seriousnessness it was a fantastic experience I would happily repeat again.  I learnt a lot along the way (1) I need to read more; (2) I still can't wire a plug; (3) There are some wonderfully generous people out there who have given their time and energy to help me (with a special mention to the man at Aphrohead Books in Southport who ordered in for me a particular book I desperately needed from America...the week before my deadline); and (4) I need a bloody holiday!

The last two weeks I spent under a self-imposed house arrest to get my dissertation finished and by last Tuesday I thought I was living The Yellow Wallpaper.  I was on the verge of starting to talk to spoons my cabin fever got that bad. I did manage to hold back drawing a face on one of my wooden spoons, calling it Colin and propping it up on my desk for company, but it was a close thing.

So, where does this leave me now. Well, I've applied to study for a PhD on what I've just spent the last 8/9 months writing about. Yes, I know, you'd think I'd want to give my brain a bit of a break, get a healthier looking bank balance and buy shoes again. Apparently, not.  You see, during the past 4 years of university life and being a "mature" (loose sense of the word, mature) student I've had time to think about what I want to do when I grow up and, I want to teach at further and higher education. I want to impart the knowledge of this wise old sage onto those who love books, reading and learning.  Even if one person gleans something interesting or important from what I teach them, then I'll be happy (to be honest it would be better if it was more than one person I'd be more employable then, but you get my drift).

It's not often we get another bite of the cherry career wise but I've got mine so I need to make the most of it before I'm at pensionable age and ready for a nursing home.

So, cheers!! Here's to me, everyone who has helped and supported me not just over the last 12 months but the last four years, Tetley Tea and Cadbury's (for their never ending supply of refreshments and my twelvty stone weight gain), Colin the wooden spoon and Google. I couldn't have done it without you.