Thursday, 10 May 2012

Burning bra's = fire hazard....

There was a bit of a twitter hoo-haa Thursday morning as the infamous foot-in-mouth journalist, Liz Jones was on This Morning discussing women, children, maternity leave et al and can us women have it all?

Anyway, having missed the original screening of this stunning insight from the self-confessed sperm smuggler, I watched the interview on iplayer and while I was stuffing my face with thickly buttered bread and jam - see Liz, we can have that love! - I pondered, can we have it wise, not bread wise (I did have all the bread).

Well, yes we can.

Ok, I am the first one to hold my hands up and say I'm not a burn your bra feminist.  For a start off, my bra's are of such ample cuppage that if they were set alight they'd keep your average boy scout jamboree supplied with bonfire fodder for at least three rousing chorus's of Kum By Ya, BUT that is not to say I'm not an advocate of equal rights and shooting holes through that glass ceiling.

Women are designed so that they can have babies if they choose too, that's the way nature intended it, so why on earth is there such a backlash when women who work, decide to have babies?  I don't get it, I just don't.

Ms Jones said that she would be more likely to employ someone who was of more mature years rather than someone who was in her late 20's/early 30's and had a womb screaming to be let in on the action.  Well, I hate to break this to you Liz but as a 37 year old woman who, as of yet, doesn't have children, but who still has several more years left in her for having a baby, you're talking bollocks.  I am perfectly employable just like my younger counterparts who, like myself, have our reproductive capabilities still intact, so I don't appreciate being discriminated against for my gender let alone my ovaries.

I've worked for many years in a corporate environment where the battle for the top dog between men and women was more fierce than a bloody roman battle.  I've worked with many successful, powerful and influential women who are fantastic at their job and, wait for it....have kids!  All they did was adapt their life accordingly.  Just because you're doing the school run doesn't mean you can't negotiate a multi-million pound merger deal, does it Liz, come on admit it....

The question I now ask of you Liz is, what are you going to do when you eventually decide to start having babies? Will you be so vehement in your convictions that having twelve months maternity leave to bond with your child, is frankly an abomination and you'll be clocking into the office each week via skype (or in person) for meetings?  Or will you embrace the napisan with as much enthusiasm as you've employed when dragging the 'sisterhood' back twenty years and kicking sand in Emmeline Pankhurst's face, so it'll be a case of, office, what office? 

Liz, Liz, Liz, yes we're in the middle of a double-dip (in my case chocolate dipped) recession where finding and keeping a job is as rare as rocking horse shit at the moment but its just as hard work for both women AND men to find employment.  That obstacle should not take away a woman's right of choice about having a baby and we will not be scare mongered into thinking if we do, then we've bog all chance of finding and keeping a job.

Women can have a family and a career, ok, so it requires a bit of juggling but we can do it. We live in a progressive society not the dark ages though I am pretty sure women of the dark ages had kids and still went out to work.  I'm proud of the fact that as a woman I have these choices and I for one will be ready to accommodate play dates and work diary dates when the time is right.

Blimey Liz, next you'll be telling us we shouldn't have the vote.......

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