Friday, 8 February 2013

Social media trollop seeks old fashioned romance. Apply within...


It's been a while dearest friend(s) since I last blogged. I know, all three of you will have missed me, I can tell.

I'd like to say that since July 2012 I have lived a life of excessive excitement. I would like to say that...but it hasn't.  It has, however, been six months of finding my groove in life and enjoying it.

Is it me or has Valentines Day come around far to quickly this year? It's the day after Ash Wednesday, so if you're giving chocolate up for lent (like me, amongst many other things) then you're screwed if you get given chocolates for Valentines Day...which I won't be, being a spinster of this parish.  You never know though Michael Fassbender may come to his senses and turn up on my doorstep me clad in my chic casual day wear of pyjamas and birds nest hair (I know, I really am selling myself here) and present me with flowers, chocolates and sweep me out of my slippers into a beautiful embrace. I'm prepared to break any self imposed chocolate ban if it means I can share my ferrero rocher with him....that is NOT at euphemism, filth!

But I was thinking today, whatever happened to proper old fashioned romance? I love social media. I am a self-confessed fully fledged social media trollop. I love Twitter, I really do. I have Facebook. I've got a profile on LinkedIn (it needs filling out a bit), I've pinned on Pinterest and I blog. I appreciate there's more social media out there than I can wave my smartphone at but I can't do it all.  Some of it I just can't be bothered with but I adore it nonetheless.  So, it saddens me and leaves me heavy of heart that social media is taking the place of proper face to face romance.

I regularly see posts on FB, Twitter and the like with couples declaring their love to each other. You live in the same house and sleep in the same bed, surely that would be the ideal time to mention it.  Or just as you've come in from taking out the bins - you're feeling a bit smushy with love so you say it as you're wiping a bit of mashed potato off your jeans, from when you emptied the bin. 

Call me old fashioned...or radical, but why do you have to share your declarations of love with a bunch of people who about 97% of which wouldn't recognise you if you tripped over them at a bus stop.  Say it to the person it's meant for not the 346 people it's not.

Now, you probably think I have the emotional capacity of a damp house brick and the soul of a dead wasp, but rest assured I adore romance. For someone to stand in front of me and tell me they love me (or even just like me, more than just a friend) makes me melt. It hasn't happened recently I admit and for those who read my twitter, will know I have STILL not given shop boy my number and therefore, am unable to execute said utterings of love and devotion until I do so and we have been on at least one date. A brief flirt over the lottery terminal on a Saturday night is not tantamount to hedonistic romance.  I appreciate, I need to get a grip and get this situation sorted.

But in the meantime, let's try and bring back old fashioned romance.

A lovely friend of mine was reading a book of anonymous love letters last week and we both ooh'd and ahh'd at how romantic it was. YES, write a love letter.  Did Jane Austen use emoticons? No, no she didn't.

I know you're all probably telling me to wind my neck in and how you share your love is your business.  It is, I am just merely voicing my lonely spinster (get out the violins) opinion.

So, Michael Fassbender, if you read this before the 14th Feb a box of ferrero rocher and some red roses would do very nicely and I'll make sure I'm dressed with my hair done.


  1. Yeah it was on the radio the other day about how traditional romance is dead. How inappropriate is it to reduce heartfelt sentiment to acronyms and text-talk? Apparently not at all these days.
    Anyway, great to see you back blogging and I hope you're well. Good luck with shop boy (not that you need it)!

  2. I just think romance is one of those institutions, like libraries, that should be left alone and not taken over by faddy gibberish abbreviations.

    And thank you, it's good to be back. I need all the luck I can get with shop boy, I get so nervous when I see him and I bottle it, every single time.
